In honor of the unofficial beginning of summer (well, in most parts of the country; in Seattle the unofficial beginning of summer is Bastille Day, but I digress), I made some picnic napkins out of a piece of fruit/bandanna print fabric that I recently thrifted.
I think the fabric is vintage; at least, it smelled vintage (although that was nothing that a hot wash couldn't cure).

Sadly, today was not a great day for picnics (see above comment re: Bastille Day), but they look good under a latte too.
I thought about hemming them with mitered corners, or finishing the edges with bias tape, but in the end I just cut the yardage into eight equal pieces and used my machine's fake overlock stitch to finish the cut edges.

I did spring for some variegated thread, but still, 8 funky fabric napkins for roughly 75 cents apiece--not bad.

Minimal cost, minimal waste, minimal time (though, I admit, maximum tedium). Not every project has to be super elaborate, you know?
(I mean, don't get me wrong, I like an elaborate project now and then too. In fact, I have two in the works right now--one of which had me in the kitchen this afternoon muttering "poop" over and over to myself, after realizing that I'd made a fatal mistake in drafting a skirt pattern. Which may--I am not sure--have caused me to put too little yeast in the pizza dough, in turn necessitating a trip to the grocery store for mediocre par-baked pizza crusts, not exactly what I had in mind for dinner. So, thank goodness not all projects are so complex, is what I am saying.)
Now, bring on the watermelon and potato salad.
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