Don't get me wrong, I miss my man and my girl a ton. But all things considered it's not so bad.
Can I just say what an incredible pleasure it is to visit this store? Of course, the fabric is amazing. Bolt upon bolt in every imaginable color, but what I was really struck by was the quality. Good fabric is really, really good, you all.

And the staff! You would expect them to be snooty, but no. So friendly and unintimidating and helpful. My (not even handmade) shirt was complimented no fewer than half a dozen times. They want to know (really) what you are going to make and they are excited about it. I loved all the different conversations going on in the store--it felt like a kind of creative hive full of people with plans and visions. A vibe that I just don't get in any of the perfectly pleasant fabric stores back home.

To be more precise, it felt like the store was full of people who not only had plans and visions, but were serious and going to carry them out. In an effort to become one of them (I almost feel a duty), I'll state for the record here:
wool and linen plaid on white background: a Tova tunic.
tan and blue wool plaid: a simple A-line skirt from this book.
teal printed knit: a long-sleeve jersey with a simple cut, maybe a Renfrew top.
elastic thread: Washi dress here I come!
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