Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Last weekend's sunny weather made me (and the entire rest of Seattle) absolutely giddy. On Saturday, I developed a raging case of Project ADD that I am sure was brought on not knowing what to do with myself in the sunshine. Cut out fabric to make tank top for self! Cut out cute summery pants for friend's to-be-born baby girl! But don't sew them together--move on to cleaning out backyard shed! Take pictures of stuff in shed to post on Craigslist! Decide to take most of it to Goodwill instead!

And then, inspired by the above piece of furniture, I had the following conversation with my husband:

I'm pretty happy with the results.

Sure, the chain-link fence is still an eyesore, and the chair is nothing special (though it's super-comfortable, which is really the main point).

But for $4.37 (the price of a Benjamin Moore sample paint pot in "Poppy") I now have a nice place to drink an iced latte and do a little writing outside on a sunny afternoon.

And anyway, the view is grand.


  1. That is an awesome awesome color. Well done :)

  2. Thanks! I had been thinking I wanted a color somewhere between nasturtium and geranium, so when I saw this one was called poppy I figured it was meant to be.

  3. Cute table! I have those same drinking glasses-- discontinued from Crate & Barrel, right? If you got yours somewhere else that they still sell them, I'd love to hear!

  4. DARCY!!! So great to see you! The drinking glass...um, I got it at a thrift store and only have one, it is my favorite glass though! But do a search for "Duralex Picardie glasses"--as far as I can tell the company went bankrupt a couple years ago but they now appear to be back, hurrah!

  5. Wow, how did you know to Google that?? Is it on the bottom of them, and I just never noticed?

    I'm a faithful reader, just don't comment much :)

  6. Not sure where I first heard that about Duralex...probably this just means that I spend too much time reading design blogs!

    I'm glad to know you're lurking around. :-) I suspect you can see that sometimes this blog is very Jen-influenced.
