There were cozy accommodations.

A moody view.
And all sorts of crafty shenanigans.

Crochet, my new nemesis...I MUST CONQUER YOU.

The caption for this photo was going to be "sometimes I am so dang clever I can hardly stand it" (look at that perfectly matched pattern!), and then I discovered, after sewing my new pajama pants together, that I'd drafted the pattern three inches too short. Grrrrrrrrr. I think I've figured out how I'm going to fix it, but, grrrrrrr.
And then, Thanksgiving.

At the table with my turkeys.

A little friendly competition.

I think I've found my forever pumpkin pie recipe.

If you are very careful and lucky with your sewing projects, the clothes you make may end up being worn over 30 years later. This is a pair of wide-leg wrap pants that my mom made in the 70's. They are polyester and completely crazy and completely awesome and I wore them to two parties in the space of a week.

And then, it was time for reindeer and elves.

And camels. Don't forget the camels.

The decadent season: that's whole-grain toast with Nutella and cranberry sauce, and I recommend you have some as soon as possible.

A little bit of thrifting to round things out.

Pumpkin pie can be savory as well as sweet. Lucky us! Recipe to come.
How was your Thanksgiving?
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